Outside Seams
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an overnight cure, I stripped the tape off the outside seams. I got
generally nice results where the inside fillets formed against the
tape, but there were a few hickeys and concavities. The bow was
something of a mess with the side panels not flush with the bow panel
Hickey Near the Stern
The Ugliness at the bowThe
hickeys were easy to fix with a little epoxy putty. Didn't bother with
caulking gun--just troweled it in out of the pot with a tongue
depressor. Some time with a
power sander and some 60 grit improved the bow enormously and got the
chines into a nicely rounded shape. Biggest problem at this point is
that spouse is
not enchanted by sound of sander and shop vac running for long periods..
The Bow Much ImprovedThe next step was to glass the ouside seams. I got this done with no significant problems
The Outside Seams Glassed