Middle Bulkheads
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next step was to install the middle bulkheads. I could forsee a
possible problem of accidentally gluing the middle bulkhead jig in
place, so I put plastic bags over the ends where it might have happened.
The Bag on the End of the JigThe
"legs" on the jig that positioned the bottom panels weren't actually in
contact so I removed them. So then I put the bulkead in, put a
masking tape dam on the backside to the fillet, and filleted and
glassed it in place.
Bulkhead 1 Filleted
Bulkhead Locator Holes
I installed the second bulkhead, I drilled small holes up against the
first bulkhead through the side and center chines so I can locate the
cut line on the outside when the time comes.

Alignment Hole
second bulkhead presented a problem for damming the filled
installation. I solved it by cutting some partial bulkead shapes
for cheap lauan, putting the masking tape dam on the bulkhead, before
putting it in place and then using the partial shapes to push the dam
into place. I also used a fairly stiff putty mix for the fillet.
The Tape Dam and Partial Shapes
I'll know if this worked after I cut the boat in two.
The Double Bulkhead in Place