A Jig for Scallop and Dam Hollowing of a Bamboo Fly Rod
It is useful to consider hollow construction for a bamboo fly rod
to reduce its overall weight, and to reduce its swing weight or
longitudinal moment of inertia. At the point in the construction
where I would do this, I have split the bamboo into strips,
straightened them, dealt with the nodes, rough beveled, and
planed them to final taper. This is a lot of work. The possibility
of ruining a strip doing the hollowing was much on my mind as I looked
around for info on how to do it. Nothing I found in the rodmaking
literature I have on hand, or online, spelled out how to do it to my
satisfaction. So I had to resort to invention.
The Big PictureSeen
here is a baseplate with a rotary tool such as a Dremel with a milling
cutter and a carrier block. There is a fence and stops to control
the position of the carrier block with respect to the cutter. The rotary tool shown here is from
Harbor Freight.
The cutter is from a type 115 High Speed Cutter from Dremel. I currently recommend a
1/4" ball nose double cut carbide burr, with a 1/8" shank from
Carbide depot. It stays sharp longer and doesn't seem to load up with bamboo gum like the Dremel item does.
The BaseplateThe
rotary tool is held in place with two ¾" aluminum channel rails and two
hose clamps. The fence and and stops for the carrier block are more ¾"
The Carrier Block and its Clamp BlocksThe
carrier block is a piece of ¾" x 1½" (nominal) red oak. The cutter was
used to mill a slot such that a scallop cut would have a wall thickness
of 0.070". Altenatively one can mill the bottom of the
block to get the 0.070 cut depth. A thinner wall thickness would result
with a
shim under the block. The clamp blocks have a vee groove milled in them
using a
30° milling
cutter, (type 125 High Speed Cutter) and are held down in use with wing nuts. The size of the block
and the location of the stops is such that the scallop cut is 2½"
Alignment MarksThe strips are marked every 3". This is the length of one
scallop cut and its dam
In UseThe
marks of the strips are aligned with the edge of the clamp block. In
the picture it is slightly offset to show the mark. The length of the
resulting dam is the spacing of the marks less the 2½" of the cut.
I used a 3" spacing. I found it was best to start the cut at the right
end due to the counter-clockwise rotation of the cutter--starting from
the other end will tend to lift the apex of the dam as you reach the
right end. My procedure was to start with block against the left
stop and push it in against the fence. The cutter will cut on its end
surface. Going back and forth between the stops two or three times gives
a nice cleanly finished surface. Then I remove the block with the strip
from the baseplate, loosen the clamp blocks, move the strip left
to the next mark, tighten and do it again.
Hollowed StripsHere's
some finished strips. Making a three piece rod, I hollowed the butt and
the mid sections. I arranged it so that the nearest scallop to a
ferrule was 2" away, but I hollowed all the way down to the butt end
under the rod seat.
shorten the length of the scallops the stops would be moved closer.
To increase it a longer carrier block would be needed and the
stops would be moved further apart.